What This Pattern Does:

This design walks you through the steps of setting up the OAuth middleware to enable a service to interact with external services requiring authentication. This design seperates the authentication/authorization concerns from the application. checkout this https://github.com/dapr/samples/tree/master/middleware-oauth-microsoftazure for more inoformation and try out in your own environment.

Caveats and Consideration:

Certainly! Here's how you would replace the placeholders with actual values and apply the configuration to your Kubernetes cluster: 1. Replace `"YOUR_APPLICATION_ID"`, `"YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"`, and `"YOUR_TENANT_ID"` with your actual values in the `msgraphsp` component metadata: ```yaml metadata: # OAuth2 ClientID, for Microsoft Identity Platform it is the AAD Application ID - name: clientId value: "your_actual_application_id" # OAuth2 Client Secret - name: clientSecret value: "your_actual_client_secret" # Application Scope for Microsoft Graph API (vs. User Scope) - name: scopes value: "https://graph.microsoft.com/.default" # Token URL for Microsoft Identity Platform, TenantID is the Tenant (also sometimes called Directory) ID of the AAD - name: tokenURL value: "https://login.microsoftonline.com/your_actual_tenant_id/oauth2/v2.0/token" ``` 2. Apply the modified YAML configuration to your Kubernetes cluster using `kubectl apply -f your_file.yaml`. Ensure you've replaced `"your_actual_application_id"`, `"your_actual_client_secret"`, and `"your_actual_tenant_id"` with the appropriate values corresponding to your Microsoft Graph application and Azure Active Directory configuration before applying the configuration to your cluster.


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