What This Pattern Does:

Prometheus exporter for OpenCost Kubernetes cost monitoring data. This design bootstraps a Prometheus OpenCost Exporter deployment on a Kuberentes cluster using the meshery playground . OpenCost is a vendor-neutral open source project for measuring and allocating cloud infrastructure and container costs in real time. Built by Kubernetes experts and supported by Kubernetes practitioners, OpenCost shines a light into the black box of Kubernetes spend.

Caveats and Consideration:

Set the PROMETHEUS_SERVER_ENDPOINT environment variable to the address of your Prometheus server. Add the scrapeConfig to it, using the preferred means for your Prometheus install (ie. -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opencost/opencost/develop/kubernetes/prometheus/extraScrapeConfigs.yaml). Consider using the OpenCost Helm Chart for additional Prometheus configuration options. for more information refer this docs https://www.opencost.io/docs/installation/prometheus


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