What This Pattern Does:

This cloud native design defines a Kubernetes configuration for a ZooKeeper deployment. It includes a Service, PodDisruptionBudget, and StatefulSet. It defines a Service named zk-hs with labels indicating it is part of the zk application. It exposes two ports, 2888 and 3888, and has a clusterIP of None meaning it is only accessible within the cluster. The Service selects Pods with the zk label. The next part defines another Service named zk-cs with similar labels and a single port, 2181, used for client connections. It also selects Pods with the zk label. Following that, a PodDisruptionBudget named zk-pdb is defined. It sets the selector to match Pods with the zk label and allows a maximum of 1 Pod to be unavailable during disruptions. Finally, a StatefulSet named zk is defined. It selects Pods with the zk label and uses the zk-hs Service for the headless service. It specifies 3 replicas, a RollingUpdate update strategy, and OrderedReady pod management policy. The Pod template includes affinity rules for pod anti-affinity, resource requests for CPU and memory, container ports for ZooKeeper, a command to start ZooKeeper with specific configurations, and readiness and liveness probes. It also defines a volume claim template for data storage

Caveats and Consideration:

You must have a cluster with at least four nodes, and each node requires at least 2 CPUs and 4 GiB of memory.


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