What This Pattern Does:

This infrastructure design defines resources related to Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for Elasticsearch in a Kubernetes environment. Here's a brief description of the components: 1.) zk (ZooKeeper StatefulSet): - A StatefulSet named zk with 3 replicas is defined to manage ZooKeeper instances. - It uses ordered pod management policy, ensuring that pods are started in order. - ZooKeeper is configured with specific settings, including ports, data directories, and resource requests. - It has affinity settings to avoid running multiple ZooKeeper instances on the same node. - The configuration includes liveness and readiness probes to ensure the health of the pods. 2.) zk-cs (ZooKeeper Service): - A Kubernetes Service named zk-cs is defined to provide access to the ZooKeeper instances. - It exposes the client port (port 2181) used to connect to ZooKeeper. 3.) zk-hs (ZooKeeper Headless Service): - Another Kubernetes Service named `zk-hs` is defined as headless (with cluster IP set to None). - It exposes ports for ZooKeeper server (port 2888) and leader election (port 3888). - This headless service is typically used for direct communication with individual ZooKeeper instances. 4.) **zk-pdb (ZooKeeper PodDisruptionBudget):** - A PodDisruptionBudget named `zk-pdb` is defined to control the maximum number of unavailable ZooKeeper pods to 1. - This ensures that at least one ZooKeeper instance remains available during disruptions.

Caveats and Consideration:

Networking should be properly configured to enable communication between pod and services. Ensure sufficient resources are available in the cluster.


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