What This Pattern Does:

This infrastructure design defines a service and a deployment for a component called Fortio-server **Service: fortio-server-service**- Type: Kubernetes Service - Namespace: Default - Port: Exposes port 8080 - Selector: Routes traffic to pods with the label app: fortio-server - Session Affinity: None - Service Type: ClusterIP - MeshMap Metadata: Describes its relationship with Kubernetes and its category as Scheduling & Orchestration. - Position: Positioned within a graphical representation of infrastructure. **Deployment: fortio-server-deployment** - Type: Kubernetes Deployment - Namespace: Default - Replicas: 1 - Selector: Matches pods with the label app: fortio-server - Pod Template: Specifies a container image for Fortio-server, its resource requests, and a service account. - Container Image: Uses the fortio/fortio:1.32.1 image - MeshMap Metadata: Specifies its parent-child relationship with the fortio-server-service and provides styling information. - Position: Positioned relative to the service within the infrastructure diagram. This configuration sets up a service and a corresponding deployment for Fortio-server in a Kubernetes environment. The service exposes port 8080, while the deployment runs a container with the Fortio-server image. These components are visualized using MeshMap for tracking and visualization purposes.

Caveats and Consideration:

Ensure networking is setup properly and enuough resources are available


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