What This Pattern Does:

This design incorporates all the key relationships, including the following: 1. Hierarchical-Parent-Inventory: This represents a parent-child relationship between components, where one component is a dependency of another. 2. Hierarchical-Parent-Wallet: In a hierarchical-parent-wallet relationship, one component (the "wallet") serves as a container or host for another component, similar to a parent-child structure. 3. Hierarchical-Sibling-MatchLabels: A Match-Labels Relationship in Meshery refers to the configuration where Kubernetes components are linked based on shared labels. 4. Edge-Binding-Mount: An Edge-Mount Relationship in Meshery represents the assignment of persistent storage to Pods via PersistentVolumeClaims (PVC). 5. Edge-Binding-Permission: The Edge-Binding-Permissions Relationship defines how components connect to establish access control and permissions in a system. In the Edge-Binding-Permissions relationship, the binding components, such as role bindings and cluster role bindings, act as essential links that establish and enforce permissions. 6. Edge-Binding-Firewall: An Edge-Firewall Relationship in Meshery models a Kubernetes Network Policy that controls ingress and egress traffic between Pods. 7. Edge-Non-Binding-Network: An Edge-Network Relationship in Meshery represents the networking configuration between Kubernetes components, typically illustrated by a dashed arrow connecting a Service to a Deployment. 8. Edge-Non-Binding-Annotation: Annotation Relationships refer to a visual representation used to indicate a relationship between two components without assigning any semantic meaning to that relationship.

Caveats and Consideration:

For detailed considerations on each relationship type, refer to the corresponding individual published designs. These designs provide in-depth insights into best practices, configuration strategies, and potential impacts for each type of relationship.


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