What this pattern does:

Requests with the URI prefix kiali are routed to the kiali.istio-system.svc.cluster.local service on port 20001. Requests with URI prefixes like /web-api/v1/getmultiple, /web-api/v1/create, and /web-api/v1/manage are routed to the web-api service with the subset v1. Requests with URI prefixes openapi/ui/ and /openapi are routed to the web-api service on port 9080. Requests with URI prefixes like /loginwithtoken, /login, and /callback are routed to different services, including web-app and authentication. Requests with any other URI prefix are routed to the web-app service on port 80.

Caveats and Consideration:

Ensure Istio control plane is up and running


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